Vuoi conoscere le basi della sceneggiatura, ma non hai il tempo di seguire un corso intero? In 12 brevi video ti offro una panoramica completa su tutto quello che ti occorre sapere per scrivere una storia avvincente!
PERSONAGGI (Il protagonista, Arco di trasformazione, Comprimari) - TRAMA (Regola delle 5W, Noxa e beats, I tre atti, La sottotrama) - PLOT DEVICES (Ellissi, Crescendo Twist e Shock, Anticipazione e Presagio, False piste e Contrasto, Bomba e Pistola di Checov).
Da ascoltare tranquillamente quando ti è più comodo, tutte le volte che desideri!
Formato: 12 video sempre disponibili online, per un totale di 1 ora
Prezzo: 24 euro
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Now I finally know how to build a character! And the development of the plot in a few, essential points, allowed me to have a clear map to make it move within the story without getting lost in dead ends!
Now I finally know how to build a character! And the development of the plot in a few, essential points, allowed me to have a clear map to make it move within the story without getting lost in dead ends!
Giovanni's scriptwriting courses opened my eyes to other forms of storytelling and to the importance of the psychological aspect in writing. Thanks to him I have become interested in the magical world of Jung's archetypes and am discovering many more Campbell's predecessors.
I loved the course. I admire the figure of the screenwriter, now that I have deepened his role in building a story. The lessons in general went very well and I found the extra material Giovanni recommends very useful.